So, I took the girls to the dentist on Monday and if you can believe it, we have cavities. I have decided that everything runs in cycles. One year everybody gets sick and we are forking out all kinds of money on doctor bills and prescriptions. This year is the year of the dentist. First, Bruce had a crown pop off while chewing on come lovely tasting sugar babies candy and we had to make an emergency trip to the dentist after hours. Then it was Cole's turn with her teeth requiring a crown or two after a dreaded root canal. Then came my turn with a cavity the size of China that I had no idea I had and a crown to go with that. Next came Ronnie and Becca with cavities and yeah! wisdom teeth. The fun times keep coming and once again pickles tells it like it is. They, or shall I say we, continue to think that candy and gum are okay to eat. Cavities are no big deal, right?! Cedar Dental Center loves us. Hopefully we will be able to survive the root canals, fillings, and extractions that keep rolling our way this year:)
You guys really are at the dentist so much! Dentist record of the year!